Longitudinal Wine Research Project
with Professor Gareth Morgan DipWSET
This page provides information about the longitudinal wine research project which I am co-ordinating over a 20 year period.
The research tastings: More than 50 participants have agreed to convene at 10 year intervals to re-taste the same wine. The project represents an informal collaboration between Sheffield Business School at Sheffield Hallam University, and my former wine consultancy firm Oinoudidasko Wine Education. The initial tastings took place in November 2005 / January 2006, and the second round took place in November 2015.
The initial rounds involved two sub-panels - one meeting in York and one in Sheffield, but the panels are now combined the final tasting will take place in a single location on Friday 21 November 2025. The venue will be somewhere in Yorkshire - details to be confirmed nearer the time.
Informal events: In addition to the three main research tastings, members of the panel have been invited to meet up informally at the five year points between the main tastings - the first such event took place in November 2010 and a further informal event (originally planned for November 2020) took placed in Leeds on 4 November 2022. Details were emailed to all participants with a postal follow up where there was no response by email. If you are part of the panel but didn't get an invitation please get in touch!
If you are a participant in this study - thank you so much for your time and commitment. Please remember to keep me up to date with any changes to your contact details - I can be reached as below. For each participant, I am keeping a record of your name, home address, telephone number (home and mobile if you wish to give both) and at least one e-mail address in order to have the best chance of reaching you. GDPR/privacy notice: I am holding this information solely for the purposes of this study.
Do get in touch if you have any queries: thank you for your support. I also send occasional wine-related tweets as @WineGareth - replies welcome but please use email, phone or post to tell me if your contact details have changed.
If you are not involved but would like to join the study - I am sorry, but it is too late! Participants had to be available for one of the initial tastings in 2005/06!
Gareth Morgan Longitudinal Wine Research Project 10 Kings Court, Dunbar EH42 1ZG, UK Tel: 01368 864582 Email: research@oinou.co.uk Note: I no longer have an address in York, so please use the contact details as above. However, the tasting events for this project will continue to be held in Yorkshire.